Dear Authors,
We invite you to contribute to the next issue of the Forests Monitor (FM) that will be dedicated to trees, forests and sustainable use of forest resources. The next issue will be published at the end of December 2024, which means that we will need your manuscript by 30th September 2024.
Examples of subjects that are within the scope of the Journal include but are not limited to:
Please feel free to disseminate this announcement to any colleagues who might be interested. All submissions will undergo an anonymous peer review process to guarantee high scientific quality and relevance to the subject.
All accepted papers will be instantly published on Journal’s website. All articles and contact details of corresponding authors will be included in our press release service, which means that your work draws the attention of all the main media organizations in the world, who may choose to feature the work in newspaper and other media reports.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Vilis Brukas
Dr. Rafał Chudy
Dr. Livia Zapponi
Dr. Frederick Cubbage
Dr. Kevin Boston