Cost-effectiveness of remote sensing technology for spruce budworm monitoring in Maine, USA
Forest pests are a major disturbance factor in forest ecosystems, which can result in tree mortality and loss of ecosystem services, leading to further negative impacts on the forest economy. Spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.); SBW) is a native forest pest in the northeastern USA and Canada, including the state of Maine, which defoliates balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.) and spruce (Picea spp.) trees with cyclical outbreaks every 30-60 years. SBW is typically monitored via ground sampling techniques such as pheromone traps and overwintering second instar larvae (L2) branch sampling. Remote sensing data can also provide information about defoliation patterns across the landscape and forest susceptibility to outbreaks. This study presents a cost-effectiveness analysis comparing remote sensing data, ground sampling techniques, and an integrated monitoring approach, combining remote sensing change detection with field sampling. Over a 10-year project period, Sentinel-2 imagery emerged as the most cost-effective option, ranging from US$33 to US$63/square kilometer (sq km), offering wide spatial coverage and moderate resolution suitable for the identification of defoliation patterns. PlanetScope imagery ranged from US$77 to US$241/sq km, and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery had the greatest variation, from US$9,220 to US$58,481/sq km. Labor costs are the most influential in our study, ranging from 30% of total costs for remote sensing approaches to 80% for field sampling. The integrated monitoring approach proposed in this study presents a synergistic strategy for effective and timely SBW monitoring, ranging from US$144 to US$213/sq km. Utilizing this integrated approach leverages both remote sensing and L2 branch surveys to enhance the accuracy and timeliness of monitoring efforts, leading to more effective management strategies for mitigating pest outbreaks for landowners. Our research highlights the importance of adaptive monitoring strategies and integrating remote sensing for forest pest detection.

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