Forest Stewards Guild position on climate-smart forestry
Climate-smart forestry is an increasingly important topic in forest policy and for practices. However, what does and does not constitute climate-smart forestry is subject of debate. At stake are billions of dollars of investment aimed at encouraging climate-smart forestry practices in the United States. As a leading voice for ecologically, economically, and socially responsible forestry, The Forest Stewards Guild (FSG) has produced a position statement based on the organization's vision, mission, and principles to guide conversations around climate-smart forestry for all interested stakeholders. This forest perspective presents and expands on the findings of the FSG position on climate-smart forestry. There are three common aspects in the multiple co-existing definitions of climate-smart forestry: 1) adapting forests to expected future climate conditions, 2) mitigating climate change by leveraging carbon sequestration and storage functions of forests, and 3) improving social outcomes. There are potential trade-offs with other benefits forests provide if climate-smart forestry is pursued without holistic consideration of forest ecosystems. We suggest that such trade-offs can be minimized if the goals of climate-smart forestry projects are communicated transparently, system boundaries are made as comprehensive as possible, potential trade-offs are assessed along with climate benefits, climate-smart practices are tailored to the social-ecological contexts, and uncertainty is recognized.

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